025 31167 / 086 3728436
Don't just wish for success… Work for it!


Tuition & Grinds

Tuition at Fermoy Education Centre

Fermoy Education Centre offers an educational resource for well-motivated, ambitious second level students. The Tuition offered at our Centre is designed to complement, not replace, normal schooling.

Tuition Subjects Available:

Leaving Cert: Irish, English, Maths, French, German, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Accounting, Business, Geography, History, Applied Maths, Economics, Ag Science, Classical Studies, French Oral, Irish Oral, German Oral (other subjects on request).

Junior Cert:  Irish, English, Maths, French, German, Science, Business Studies, Geography, History (other subjects on request)

About our tutors

Our tutors are experienced professionals with proven success rates at Leaving and Junior Cert level.
Our tutors are dedicated to helping each student to achieve his/her potential in the Certificate examinations.

Focused on success

Students receive comprehensive, exam-oriented notes in each subject as well as past examination solutions.

Our small class sizes ensure an atmosphere of intensive teaching and learning. Students will discover a warm, comfortable and supportive learning environment, where they will benefit from committed, knowledgeable teachers.

Students’ work will be regularly assessed and valuable feedback will be provided on an ongoing basis.

Our tuition is unequivocally exam orientated.

If you wish to contact us, you can do so by phone, email or by calling to the centre on any weekday (after 4 pm) or Saturday (10am to 1pm).

Fermoy Education Centre, Anderson Centre,
Market Place,