Adult Courses & Classes:
First Aid Responder Course:
Accredited by: Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council. This 3 day course is designed to provide the learner with the knowledge, practical skills and understanding required to provide and co-ordinate first aid in the workplace in compliance with the requirements of the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007 and associated guide to these regulations. Please contact us for details
Next course: TBC
Driver CPC:
This is a 1 day mandatory course for Bus & Truck drivers forming part of the Driver CPC qualification, for both existing and new professional drivers of buses and trucks. Drivers must undergo 35 hours of specialised training over a five-year time span receiving a Certificate of Professional Competency for each module. This course will be starting August 10th at the FEC.
Course Dates: TBC
NCEB – Start Your Own Business Course:
This Programme focuses on those with a business idea in mind who are unsure of how to develop the idea into a business plan. It will guide you through the various aspects of Business and business planning. The objective is to assist you in assessing your idea, its viability and to decide if you should proceed or take a step back. Modules include: start your own business; legal issues; preparing a business plan; marketing; researching the market; finance; funding sources; basic bookkeeping; sales, ICT,.
Course Dates: TBC